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Re: [tree-ssa] More patch reversals. Branch closed temporarily

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Merrill <> writes:

Jason> Patch reversal is still pretty easy with cvs update -j.

Here's a script that takes a cvs commit message and generates a new
script which reverts the commit.  It isn't perfect, and it hasn't been
heavily tested, but it ought to work ok.  If you modify it, please
send me the updates.


#! /usr/bin/perl -n

# This takes a gcc-style cvs commit message, extracts the URLs from
# it, and generates a small shell script to revert the patch.

if (m,http://.*\.cgi/(.+)/([^/]+)\?cvsroot=[a-z]+\&r1=([^&]+)\&r2=([^&\n]+)$,)
    $dir = $1;
    $file = $2;
    $r1 = $3;
    $r2 = $4;

    if ($file eq 'ChangeLog') {
	# Don't revert ChangeLog entries.
    } elsif ($r1 eq 'NONE') {
	print "cvs rm -f $dir/$file\n";
    } else {
	print "(cd $dir; cvs update -j$r2 -j$r1 $file)\n";

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