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Re: Outcome of the bugzilla threads

On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 02:39:16PM -0500, Daniel Berlin wrote:
> In order to let things thread properly, rather than have gcc-bugzilla's 
> script send out mail to gcc-bugs all the time, let it listen to mail on 
> gcc-bugs instead (IE followups go to gcc-bugs, not gcc-bugzilla).  
> Then, people following up to gcc-bugs would be threaded right (and 
> still be entered into the database), only replies on the web wouldn't 
> thread properly.

Why? Can't the script at the correct 'In-Reply-To:' header?
Some mail clients only look at the subject line, but most
look at the 'In-Reply-To:' to determine threading.  It should be
possible to get the threading right even when bugzilla is mailing
gcc-bugs on its own no?

Carlo Wood <>

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