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Re: Future of gccbug

Volker Reichelt <> writes:

> apart from PR 12900 we haven't had any submissions of PRs via gccbug in
> the last couple of months (according to Daniel's statistics).

I doubt that: I've submitted a couple in September, October and just
November 4th (with more to come).

> This raises the question: Should the 3.4 release really contain this
> script? Or should we rather rip it out now to simplify maintenance?

Where's the maintenance burden for that script?  It just works, the
infrastructure for conversion to bugzilla is in place, and it's used by at
least a couple of users.

Why break this when there's no gain but a unsubstantiated claim of
`simplified maintenance'?  This has been discussed before, and I can only
point out the importance of offline bug submission and proper bug report


Rainer Orth, Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University

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