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Re: PCH not being used, but I can't tell why

one week ago, Phil Edwards wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 11:48:10PM -0700, Geoff Keating wrote:
> > 
> > > Resetting the pch status flag seems necessary.  The skipping of "." and
> > > ".." isn't needed for correctness as long as the flag is reset, but it does
> > > speed things up a tad.  I don't know cpplib, maybe there's some abstracted
> > > test that should be used instead of strcmp against string literals, but
> > > this is the essence of what needs to be done in pch_open_file():
> > 
> > Even this isn't enough; it's possible for a directory to have some
> > files that are "never valid" and others that are valid.  What has to
> > happen is that the changes to '->pch' are moved into the outer loop.
> There's only one loop in pch_open_file.  There aren't any loops in the
> function that calls it.  There's a loop in the function that calls the
> function that calls pch_open_file, but I don't know where in that loop
> you want the flag reset.

So, should I make a guess and propose more patches?  Can I have some hints?


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