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Re: processor architects say it's hard to work with us?

Look at Cray for example, he minimized his designs, even introducing the notorious +0 -0 , and no division operation only 1/x in order to get all the speed he could get from minimal hardware, the point I am trying to make is that if you got simple hardware and no stalls !!! whatsoever !!! It's likely to move even if it's not that fast, ( look at cray again ). ( I choose cray just to point out these two features, and because theyre well known, no religion).

Today I believe that a lot of the advanced features like vector processing, different forms of SIMD and such are just making it's way into 'generic' infrastructure for compilers and other tools.

A lot of grief seem's to have gone into preventing stalls, prefetching and different forms of register allocation strategies, but now there seem to be a bit of general support for what's needed to make use of these advanced features.

So IMHO, compilers are catching up to the best of breed 'ad hoc' target specific compilers of the 60's and 70's, which is no mean feat cosidering that they are using a generic infrastructure and a lot safer 'theoretical' ground to stand on.

So as stated below, I believe that if anything the infrastructure to support advanced processor specific features must 'be there' since that is likely to be a large part of the problem.

/ Regards, Lars Segerlund.

Joe Buck wrote:
Steven, if you use a subject line like "GCC" on the gcc list, people
might not bother to read your message.  So here it is again.

I suspect that one issue is that the restriction that a patch be
architecture-specific might be seen as too severe, if the existing GCC
infrastructure lacks capabilities that are needed to get good results
on novel architectures.  I know that this was part of the reason for the
pgcc fork: Intel engineers got better code for the Pentium by slashing
away at the frontend/backend distinction than they could have achieved
by doing things "right".

On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 08:44:19AM +0200, Steven Bosscher wrote:

In the "Processor Architect's Panel" at the kernel summit, GCC was
apparently discussed shortly:

"Jon 'maddog' Hall said that the various processor architectures wild
also benefit from paying more attention to gcc. The architects responded
uniformly with complaints about how difficult it is to work with the gcc
team. They all understand their interest in having gcc work will with
their processors, but actually getting patches into the gcc code base is
difficult."  (

I'm not sure why they think it is so difficult.  It would seem that if
the patch is architecture-specific and well-formed (ie. conforming to
the coding style, etc), it typically just goes in, period.  And patches
to target-independent code may go through one or two review cycles, but
again, if the patch looks good, it goes in.  At least, I got the
impression that patches are seldomly rejected.

So why would these people think it's difficult to work with the people
on this list, and to contribute code (and what can be done about it)?

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