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Re: GCC Intermediate Representation & recommended reading & examples

On Fri, 2003-07-04 at 06:21, Robert Myers wrote:
> > We can't allow outside projects to use gcc internals.
> Er, um, WHAT?  You're kidding, right?

This is an FSF policy.  In order to protect the value of GCC, and in
order to prevent people from using devious methods to circumvent the
GPL, we are not allowed to let outside projects use gcc internals.

Of course, the code is GPL, so you can write your own interfaces if you
want, but we will not be able to accept the patches.  GCC changes at
such a rapid pace that it is very expensive to maintain your own
patches, and hence this discourages most people from trying.  If someone
is able to do this using existing gcc features, then we may obfuscate
the feature to prevent this use.

This policy does unfortunately complicate gcc development, and there are
a number of people that would like to see it changed, but for now we
must follow it.


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