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Re: Speeding up linking.

On Sunday, November 3, 2002, at 05:38 PM, Juan Linietsky wrote:
Hello! Lately i've been doing some research to find out how to improve
gcc linking speed.
This would be a great area to improve the compiler in. Would be nice to only have one copy of debugging information from header files at any time in the project database and to try and limit the work the linker has to do, both in the edit-build-debug loop, and in the final build. Also, would be nice to only include debugging information that is actually needed, not all of it.

So i wonder if there is an option in GCC to also create a separate
symbol table file.
Not yet (AFAIK).

Do you think this can be done in gcc? And do you think it's worth it?
Yes, very.

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