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Re: C++ ABI testing issues, gcc-3.3 <-> gcc-3.2 compatibility

Daniel Berlin <> writes:

|> > |> > That's the same result as given on IA-32 or IA-64, but those
|> > |> > tests are
|> > |> > #if !defined __i386__ && !defined __ia64__
|> > |> > Guess at least __alpha__ is a good candidate for this treatment too.
|> > |> 
|> > |> x86-64 has the same problem, everything passes except bitfield3 (this
|> > |> is with GCC 3.2 plus some extra patches),
|> > 
|> > Same on s390x.  Are there any platforms where it *does* pass?
|> I could swear I ran these tests on x86 or powerpc (can't remember which) 
|> when it was first released by Intel, and everything passed. 

I just tried on ppc and ppc64 and getting the following failures:

Test 4 Failure: bitfield3.cpp:60
Test 9 Failure: dynamic1.cpp:79
  missing: _Znwm
  missing: _Znam

Test 4 Failure: bitfield3.cpp:60
Test 1 Failure: fields3.cpp:43


Andreas Schwab, SuSE Labs,
SuSE Linux AG, Deutschherrnstr. 15-19, D-90429 Nürnberg
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