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Re: gcc testsuite failures?

>> From: Andreas Tobler <>
>> To: GCC <>
>> Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 14:40:03 +0100
>> I have a few ICE's in the testsuite of gcc. Now I just read that:
>> 'If any of them fails, do not report a bug.' in the README.  So I'm
>> a bit confused. Shall I only report ICE's and bug failures to
>> and not to GNATS?
>No, please don't report them.  testsuite results are reported via
>contrib/test_summary script, and wind up going to a special list just
>for such results.
>If you want to report something, report the fix to gcc-patches...  :-)
>If you want to report something, report when someone breaks a
>testcase, when they break it, to gcc.  Reporting this information
>after the fact, is less relevant.

At least an answer.

Right now it's out of my hands to bring a fix since I don't understand it

Second, these cases never worked on darwin (FSF gcc, don't know if on
apple branch)


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