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Re: GCC to open the C++ demangle API?

--On Tuesday, March 05, 2002 09:06:54 PM +0100 Theodore Papadopoulo 
<> wrote:

> said:
>> The problem is that the one that we contributed -- thinking that it
>> would be placed under a libgcc-style license -- was, over my
>> objections, only placed in the FSF tree under the GPL.  There's no
>> reason to think that RMS is going to allow Carlo's version to be
>> libgcc'd while our version was not.  The right place to take this
>> debate is to the FSF; there is nothing we can do here.
> Except maybe put some (kind) pressure on them by explaining why the
> current  situation does not allow the implementations of some interfaces
> in  libstdc++ and libjava as pointed by by Zack in a previous message.

Yes, this was pointed out as part of the initial discussion, which took
place on the Steering Committee list.

It's fine for us to build consensus here, but in the end people will
need to raise this issue with the FSF.


Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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