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Howto avoid temporaries instantiated fully?


While designing an iterator for iterating a 3d grid for
numerical physics, I stumbled over the problem, that gcc
fully instantiates a temporary for an operator like
[full compilable example attached, compile with g++ -S -O3 and
see the difference in output for both methods]

Iterator operator+(int i) const {
  Iterator it(*this);
  it.m_i += i;
  return it;

even if only the (updated) m_i field of the new instance
is used (read once) in uses like


which is optimized ok if written as (ugly) array(i,+1) and

  double& operator(const Iterator& i, int d) { return a[i.m_i+d]; }

which the compiler should be able to guess.

Is there a way to make the compiler optimize away this local
temporary class instance?

Please CC me, I'm not on the list.


Richard Guenther <>
The GLAME Project:

Attachment: iterator.cpp
Description: Text document

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