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gcc-3.0.4pre build on arm-linux
- From: jeroen dobbelaere <jeroen dot dobbelaere at acunia dot com>
- To: gcc at gcc dot gnu dot org
- Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 14:50:49 +0100
- Subject: gcc-3.0.4pre build on arm-linux
- Organization: ACUNIA
A cvs checkout of the gcc-3_0-branch did an almost successful bootstrap
on 'Linux xingu-07 2.4.16-rmk1-xng1 #7 Tue Jan 29 15:01:12 CET 2002 armv5l unknown'
date of the checkout :
configured with :
../gcc-3.0.4pre-20020131-1110/configure --prefix=/tmp/gcc3 --with-cpu=xscale
and a 'make bootstrap'
after a failure for 'fastjar/depcomp', I succeeded in continuing
by copying the 'depcomp' file (from automake) into gcc-3.0.4pre-20020131-1110/fastjar
and doing a 'make'
I'll run the testsuite this night.
Jeroen Dobbelaere
Embedded Software Engineer
ACUNIA Embedded Solutions