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typeid strangeness

hi there,

I'm not certain whether my observations reflect a bug or
whether I have some profound misunderstanding. I'v got a
class tree based on a 'ServantBase' base class with methods
_add_ref() and _remove_ref().
For debugging purposes, I'd like to track these calls, so I
implement them like this:

void ServantBase::_add_ref()
   Guard<Mutex> guard(mutex);
#ifdef LCLOG
   Logger::log(Logger::lifecycle) << "ServantBase::_add_ref on " << this << " ("
   << typeid(this).name() << "): new count is " << _refcount << std::endl;

and I'd (of course) like to see which specific subclass / instance gets called.
However, the type that is being reported is always the base class itself, not
the actual type. What is wrong ?
(this happens with gcc 2.95.x as well as gcc 3.0)

(passing the object reference into a function (void foo(const ServantBase &),
say) and evaluating the type there works fine).


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