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Re: gcc 3.0 cannot compile pooma

On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 07:12:12AM +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> "Zack Weinberg" <> writes:
> | 
> | This is exactly what #include_next is for.
> Do you mean for the solving
> pathnames-which-depend-on-conformance-flags problem?

Yes.  It starts searching for whatever header you ask, in the next
directory on the search path after where the current header was

> | But I kind-of think that there's more to it than that.  Isn't this
> | what the c_shadow headers are supposed to be doing, and they don't
> | work right at the moment?
> Exactly!

I doubt I can help with that part of it, though.

zw   It may of course be possible that risks-awareness and extreme care are
     developed in the course of dancing with the fuckup fairy in the pale
     	-- Anthony de Boer

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