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Re: Release criteria status

On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Mark Mitchell wrote:

>     Gerald> I believe a patch in that direction would be fine, though
>     Gerald> it should be approved by Mark.
> Yes, that sounds fine.

The following patch documents some updated release criteria status.  OK to

>     Gerald> Concerning the unification, the question is: In which
>     Gerald> direction do we want to go? The most current version of
>     Gerald> the instructions is the HTML one and much of the other
>     Gerald> stuff is out-dated. Pragmatically, we should probably take
>     Gerald> the HTML base and improve that unless there are strict GNU
>     Gerald> guidelines that prohibit that.
> The nice thing about TeXinfo is the ability to generate lots of
> different formats from it, including books that the FSF sometimes
> sells.  I would therefore like to keep the users guide in TeXinfo,
> unless we hear otherwise from the FSF.  However, I think basic
> installation information is best presented via HTML, and since that's
> what people seem to be most comfortable with, let's go with it.

What happened to the assignment issues with the work mentioned in

Incidentally, I'll ask again - though related to non-installation
documentation - is GCC 3.0 going to include a manual for the Java
compiler?  If not, could the Java folks (or someone) please at least fix
the problem that "make dvi" still fails (other/567, reported back on 24
September) apparently because of the lack of such a manual,

make: *** No rule to make target `java.dvi', needed by `lang.dvi'.  Stop.

A couple of other documentation issues: I presume the FSF will be
producing a new edition of the printed GCC manual once GCC 3.0 is out?
Also, ISTR that there is a GNU proofreaders list; perhaps the GCC manuals
could go to them at some point before the release?

--- criteria.html	Fri Nov  3 18:58:14 2000
+++ criteriaupdated.html	Fri Nov  3 20:02:06 2000
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@
        the implementation of the new preprocessor must be completed.
        (Note that GCC 3.0 will still use a stand-alone, rather than an
        integrated, preprocessor.  However, the preprocessor will be
-       based on <code>cpplib</code> rather than <code>cccp.c</code>.)</p>
+       based on <code>cpplib</code> rather than <code>cccp.c</code>.)
+       <strong>Done and surpassed</strong>.  The integrated
+       preprocessor was ready in time to be made the default.</p>
 <li><p>C++ ABI</p>
     <p>In order to avoid changing the C++ ABI from release to release,
        as GCC has done to date, there must be a stable ABI.</p>
@@ -60,16 +62,19 @@
     <p>The <code>libgcc</code> library will be built in both static
        and shared library whenever <code>--enable-shared</code> is
        used to configure GCC.  As GCC 3.0 will contain other ABI
-       changes, now is as good a time as any to make this change.</p>
+       changes, now is as good a time as any to make this change.
+       <strong>Partly done</strong>.</p>
 <li><p>Java Front-End Garbage Collection</p>
     <p>The Java front-end will be converted to use garbage collection,
        like the other GCC front-ends.  This conversion will enable the
        simplification, optimization, and removal of code in the
        machine-independent portions of the compiler, as well as in
-       the various back-ends.</p>
+       the various back-ends.  <strong>Done</strong>.</p>
 <li><p>Chill Front-End Garbage Collection</p>
     <p>Like the Java front-end, the Chill front-end will be converted
-       to use garbage collection.</p>
+       to use garbage collection.  <strong>Dropped</strong>.  No
+       volunteer has been found to do this, so GCC 3.0 will not
+       support Chill unless one comes forward.</p>
 <li><p>Open Bugs</p>
     <p>High-priority open bugs in GNATs will be fixed before the
        GCC 3.0 release.</p>
@@ -159,7 +164,7 @@
 not to ship a particular release candidate:</p>

+<li>Chill (<strong>Dropped</strong>; see above)

Joseph S. Myers

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