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Re: server problems ???

On Tue, Nov 03, 1998 at 11:33:58AM -0700, Jeffrey A Law wrote:
>   > snapshot today.  I have been getting errors all day, and have not been
>   >  successful in
>   > downloading the entire copy of egcs.  I keep getting the following type of
>   > error from ftp:
> Odds are the link to Cygnus is saturated due to the cygwin b20 release.
> If at all possible you should be using one of the mirrors anyway :-)

Actually, the mirrors are sufferung from the same problem (at least I mirror it four times a day, and I get a broken transfer about
once every two weeks.

This occurs ever since I mirror it, and I suspect it is related to the
coredumping problem of the ftpd (remember the "mkdir core" fix?)

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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann       +--
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