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Re: [PATCH] PR 78534 Change character length from int to size_t

Hi Janne, hi FX,

On Tue, 27 Dec 2016 12:56:19 +0200
Janne Blomqvist <> wrote:

> >> I also changed the _size member in vtables from int to size_t, as
> >> there were some cases where character lengths and sizes were
> >> apparently mixed up and caused regressions otherwise. Although I

I can confirm this. Being responsible for adding the _len component for char
arrays in unlimited polymorphic objects. This is the only use case where the
_len component is used to my knowledge. The separation should have been:

- _size: store the size in bytes of a single character
- _len: the number of characters stored in the char array in the unlimited
  polymorphic object.

Unfortunately there were some case, which Janne also experienced, where these go
stray. I at least succeeded to remove the length from the vtab's-name that is
generated for storing in the unlimited polymorphic object. Over time I hope to
get the separation of concerns correctly modeled as told above, but for the
time being we have to stick with _size have the array size sometimes. I think
that is the case when a fixed length char array is stored in the unlimited
polymorphic object.

Andre Vehreschild * Email: vehre ad gmx dot de 

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