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Re: [PATCH, 4/16] Implement -foffload-alias

On Thu, 12 Nov 2015, Tom de Vries wrote:

> On 11/11/15 12:00, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:51:02AM +0100, Richard Biener wrote:
> > > > The option -foffload-alias=pointer instructs the compiler to assume that
> > > > objects references in an offload region do not alias.
> > > > 
> > > > The option -foffload-alias=all instructs the compiler to make no
> > > > assumptions about aliasing in offload regions.
> > > > 
> > > > The default value is -foffload-alias=none.
> > > 
> > > I think global options for this is nonsense.  Please follow what
> > > we do for #pragma GCC ivdep for example, thus allow the alias
> > > behavior to be specified per "region" (whatever makes sense here
> > > in the context of offloading).
> So, IIUC, instead of a global option foffload-alias, you're saying something
> like the following would be acceptable:
> ...
> #pragma GCC offload-alias=<none|pointer|all>
> #pragma acc kernels copyin (a[0:N], b[0:N]) copyout (c[0:N])
>   {
>     #pragma acc loop
>     for (COUNTERTYPE ii = 0; ii < N; ii++)
>       c[ii] = a[ii] + b[ii];
>   }
> ...
> ?
> I suppose that would work (though a global option would allow us to easily
> switch between none/pointer/all values in a large number of files, something
> that might be useful when f.i. running an openacc  test suite).
> > Yeah, completely agreed.  I don't see why the offloaded region would be in
> > any way special, they are C/C++/Fortran code as any other.
> > What we can and should improve is teach IPA aliasing/points to analysis
> > about the way we lower the host vs. offloading region boundary, so that
> > if alias analysis on the caller of GOMP_target_ext/GOACC_parallel_keyed
> > determines something it can be used on the offloaded function side and vice
> > versa,
> I agree this would be a nice way to solve the aliasing info problem, but
> considering the remark of Richard at
> :
> ...
> Not that I think IPA PTA is anywhere near production ready

Just to clarify on that sentence:
 1) we lack good testing coverage for IPA PTA so wrong-code bugs might 
still exist
 2) IPA PTA can use a _lot_ of memory and compile-time
 3) for existing wrong-code issues I have merely dumbed down the
use of the analysis result resulting in weaker alias analysis compared to
the local PTA (for some cases)

Because of 2) and no good way to avoid this I decided to not make
fixing 3) a priority (and 1) still holds).


> ...
> I haven't considered proceeding in that direction.
> Thanks,
> - Tom
> > but a switch like the above is just wrong.

Richard Biener <>
SUSE LINUX GmbH, GF: Felix Imendoerffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton, HRB 21284 (AG Nuernberg)

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