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Re: [PATCH, fortran] Add gfc_define_builtin_with_spec

On 09-01-15 18:11, FX wrote:
If unused on trunk, why would we commit it there?
When your branch is merged, you'll merge it along. Otherwise that defeats the purpose of working on a branch, unless I misunderstand something...

This patch is not branch-specific.

- Tom


Le 9 janv. 2015 Ã 16:37, Tom de Vries <> a Ãcrit :


For the oacc kernels patch series I need a fortran builtin with fn spec attribute (as mentioned here: ).

Attached patch adds a function gfc_define_builtin_with_spec that allows me to define such a builtin.

At this point there's no user yet in trunk, so I've declared it unused.

Bootstrapped and reg-tested on x86_64.

OK for stage 3 trunk?

- Tom

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