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Re: [PATCH, generic] Support printing of escaped curly braces and vertical bar in assembler output

I'd suggest rewriting this expression in some easier way:
	      p += (*p == '%' && *(p + 1)) ? 2 : 1;

I'd prefer
	      if (*p == '%')

However, that could be only my taste:)

On 26 March 2013 15:10, Maksim Kuznetsov <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the explanation, now I understand it. I fixed the patch
>> according to your remarks. I removed %| support since we don't
>> actually need it in i386 right now, it was added for the purpose of
>> possible generalization.
>> Updated patch is attached.
> Ping
> --
> Maxim Kuznetsov

Best regards,
Michael V. Zolotukhin,
Software Engineer
Intel Corporation.

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