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PING: Re: [Patch, Fortran] Derived-type finalization, second part split off

Hi Paul,

I'm back again, what do you think about this one? And what's about the message mentioned about temporaries?


Daniel Kraft wrote:
Hi Paul,

here's a second split-off from the finalization patch after check-in and remerging the last part; it is roughly everything (remainin after the last part) except resolve.c changes.

This is somehow the "main part" and includes the logic behind gfc_finalize_expr, that is, everything except for the integration and actual *calling* of finalization. This means that this patch for itself does neither introduce new features nor any risk of breaking something (I think).

Maybe we could also include the basic finalization when a symbol goes out of scope here to get the code actually tested already when this is checked-in and somewhat working (but for this we would have to remove the not-yet-implemented message though finalization would be implemented at best "partially" then). What do you think? From my point of view, both ways are equally good solutions.

I believe this part of the patch is already quite "stable" and finished, nothing of the "open issues" affects it; the only point I ask you to think about is that by checking in this one, we make our lives harder if we find out that finalization can't possibly be done in the front-end and we have to move it to trans; but I believe it is highly unlikely that this should happen, and hope we can resolve the last issues in a way as I proposed in

As usual, some XXX comments left in... What do you think about this patch, ok to commit or should I add some parts of reslve.c as described above? If I know your decision on how we should handle this part, I'll of course add a ChangeLog entry.

Regression-tested on x86-32-GNU/Linux with no failures of course, but as I said above I can't imagine how this patch should break something at the moment.


PS: From today evening, I'll be off until coming Friday, possibly late at night; I'm doing a mountain-trip near the Großglockner (well, what do Austrians do in the summer when there's no snow to ski?). So take your time :)

Done:     Arc-Bar-Sam-Val-Wiz, Dwa-Elf-Gno-Hum-Orc, Law-Neu-Cha, Fem-Mal
Underway: Cav-Dwa-Law-Fem
To go:    Cav-Hea-Kni-Mon-Pri-Ran-Rog-Tou

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