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Re: Fwd: C++ PATCH: PR 20599 (1/3)

Gennaro Prota <> writes:

| On 19 Sep 2006 19:13:29 +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis
| <> wrote:
| >Gennaro Prota <> writes:
| >
| >[...]
| >
| >| I, for one, gave up making a proposal for dynamic_bitset, as I think
| >| that with the current interface it was an experiment that failed. 
| >
| >:-/
| I'm not sure how to interpret this. I choose not to submit something
| which is (in my opinion, of course) flawed in many respects. Are you
| implying it would have still been better than nothing?

I agree there is a danger that a "flawed" proposal gets "bad
reputation" and its acceptance rate gets lower.  However, I've
seen no single "mid-sized" proposal that went in unmodified, or for
which no one spot flaws in it.  So, yes submitting something is,
IMHO, better than nothing.  

| >The C++ standards process is democratic and bureaucratic,
| Yes, I didn't mean to imply otherwise.
| >and only the
| >small amount of resources donated by volunteers makes it progress.
| >Whether that is good or bad, I don't know.  But, I very much prefer it
| >to the fast track stuff MS has been using to push things forward.
| Aha. Is _that_ the obscure force behind the push for the x=9 in C++0x?

I don't know :-)

But, most certainly, the danger of a fractured community will get 
higher if the new major revision is delayed. :-(

-- Gaby

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