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PATCH: cvswrite.html

Improve the structure of this page.



Index: cvswrite.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/cvswrite.html,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -3 -p -r1.35 cvswrite.html
--- cvswrite.html	2000/10/15 19:01:32	1.35
+++ cvswrite.html	2000/11/06 22:23:20
@@ -167,46 +167,48 @@ minimize the amount of time where the tr
 all. Repeated failure to adhere to these rules could result in the
 revocation of check-in privileges by the Steering Committee.</p>

-<p>This is meant to provide a very quick overview of how to check in a
-change.  It is not meant to be a replacement for the CVS manual but
+<p>The following is meant to provide a very quick overview of how to check
+in a change.  It is not meant to be a replacement for the CVS manual but
 instead a supplement.  The CVS manual is distributed as part of the CVS
 sources as a texinfo file.
 <a href=""></a> contains
 a link to an reasonably simple introduction to CVS.</p>

-<p> In all the commands listed below, you can give an explicit list of
+<p>In all the commands listed below, you can give an explicit list of
 filenames to the cvs command.  We recommend you list files explicitly
 when performing checkins to avoid accidental checkins of local code.</p>

-<p> Sync your sources with the master repository via "<tt>cvs update</tt>"
+<li>Sync your sources with the master repository via "<tt>cvs update</tt>"
 before attempting a checkin; this will save you a little time if someone
 else has modified that file since the last time you sync'd your sources.
 It will also identify any files in your local tree that you have modified.

-<p>Apply the patch to your local tree and update the <tt>ChangeLog</tt>
+<li>Apply the patch to your local tree and update the <tt>ChangeLog</tt>
 file.  Use the current date/time for the <tt>ChangeLog</tt> entry, not
-the time that the patch was submitted.</p>
+the time that the patch was submitted.

-<p>Make sure to rebuild any generated files that would be effected by
+<li>Make sure to rebuild any generated files that would be effected by
 the patch.  Make sure to check them in along with the files explicitly
 modified by the patch.

-<p>We recommend using "<tt>cvs diff</tt>" after applying a patch to
+<li>We recommend using "<tt>cvs diff</tt>" after applying a patch to
 a local tree.  Review the output to make sure that only the changes
 you wanted to check in will be checked in.  Also check to see if the
 copyright dates need to be updated.

-<p>Use "<tt>cvs commit</tt>" to check in the patch.  You can enter the
+<li>Use "<tt>cvs commit</tt>" to check in the patch.  You can enter the
 log message via the "<tt>-m</tt>" argument to commit, or wait for the
 editor window to appear and enter the log message in the editor window.

-<p>After exiting the editor, CVS will connect to the GCC cvs server and
+<li>After exiting the editor, CVS will connect to the GCC cvs server and
 check in your changes.  When your prompt returns the checkin is finished.
 A message will be sent to the "<tt>gcc-cvs</tt>" mailing list (when
 set up) indicating that a change was made.  CVS will provide a message
 if an error occurs and it will not check in any files.

 <h2><a name="example">Example check-in session</a></h2>

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