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Vararg templates. GCC vs Clang



template<class Head, class... Tail>
void f(std::tuple<Head, Tail...> )
    std::cout << "std::tuple<Head, Tail...>\n";

template<class Head>
void f(std::tuple<Head> )
    std::cout << "std::tuple<Head>\n";

int main()

GCC accepts this code silently. But Clang generates error:

test.cpp:18:5: error: call to 'f' is ambiguous
test.cpp:5:6: note: candidate function [with Head = int, Tail = <>]
void f(std::tuple<Head, Tail...> )
test.cpp:11:6: note: candidate function [with Head = int]
void f(std::tuple<Head> )

Which compiler is right? Isn't it abiguity in fact?

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