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I need a help for SimpleScalar

Dear Dr. Gaur,
I am a student in Yale University and I use your SimpleScalar tool for doing my
research. but I have some problems. Do you mind if I ask you my question? I
appreciate your help.

I want to use alpha instruction set for simplescalar. I have done config-alpha
and it works but I want to compile also my c testcases to alpha coff binaries to
use it with sim-out order.

I tried install gcc 3.1 and binutils 2.12 but binutils fails because of this
"coff-alpha.c:1455: error: invalid lvalue in assignment"

would you please tell me which version of binutils and gcc I should install to
be able to generate alpha binaries suitable for simplescalar and if they have
some bugs for installation is there any document or patch to remove the bugs?

Thanks in advance,

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