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Internal compiler error 980331

The following problem occured:

/opt/kde/include/kconfigbase.h: In method `KConfigGroupSaver::~KConfigGroupSaver()':
/opt/kde/include/kconfigbase.h:721: warning: choosing `QString::operator const char *() const' over `QArrayT<char>::operator const char *<char>() const'
/opt/kde/include/kconfigbase.h:721: warning:   for conversion from `QString' to `const char *'
/opt/kde/include/kconfigbase.h:721: warning:   because conversion sequence for the argument is better
kdecode.moc: In method `void KDecode::initMetaObject()':
In file included from kdecode.cpp:21:
kdecode.moc:37: Internal compiler error 980331.
kdecode.moc:37: Please submit a full bug report to `'.
make: *** [kdecode.o] Error 1         

when compiling krn-0.4.8 from the KDE source package kdenetwork-980706.tar.bz2

the compiler is 
   Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-pc-linux-gnu/egcs-2.91.43/specs
   gcc version egcs-2.91.43 19980628 (gcc2 ss-980502 experimental)  

built with --enable-haifa --enable-shared

building the compiler dit not work using simpliy
but after executing configure i had to do a configure in the gcc subdirectory
because of a broken Makefile therein. (some lines of stange control characters)

hope this helps you, best regards

Institut für Theoretische Physik I
Martin Rehwald                                    Phone: (0251) 83-34921
Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9            E-Mail: mailto:Rehwald@UNI-Muenster.DE
48149 Münster                 WWW: http://pauli.UNI-Muenster.DE/~rehwald

** KDecode meta object code from reading C++ file 'kdecode.h'
** Created: Wed Jul 8 16:52:44 1998
**      by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler ($Revision: 2.18 $)
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!

#error Moc format conflict - please regenerate all moc files

#include "kdecode.h"
#include <qmetaobj.h>

const char *KDecode::className() const
    return "KDecode";

QMetaObject *KDecode::metaObj = 0;

void KDecode::initMetaObject()
    if ( metaObj )
    if ( strcmp(QObject::className(), "QObject") != 0 )
    if ( !QObject::metaObject() )
    typedef void(KDecode::*m1_t0)(int,const char*);
    typedef void(KDecode::*m1_t1)(int,int);
    m1_t0 v1_0 = &KDecode::decode;
    m1_t1 v1_1 = &KDecode::decode;
    QMetaData *slot_tbl = new QMetaData[2];
    slot_tbl[0].name = "decode(int,const char*)";
    slot_tbl[1].name = "decode(int,int)";
    slot_tbl[0].ptr = *((QMember*)&v1_0);
    slot_tbl[1].ptr = *((QMember*)&v1_1);
    typedef void(KDecode::*m2_t0)();
    typedef void(KDecode::*m2_t1)();
    m2_t0 v2_0 = &KDecode::message;
    m2_t1 v2_1 = &KDecode::busy;
    QMetaData *signal_tbl = new QMetaData[2];
    signal_tbl[0].name = "message()";
    signal_tbl[1].name = "busy()";
    signal_tbl[0].ptr = *((QMember*)&v2_0);
    signal_tbl[1].ptr = *((QMember*)&v2_1);
    metaObj = new QMetaObject( "KDecode", "QObject",
	slot_tbl, 2,
	signal_tbl, 2 );

// SIGNAL message
void KDecode::message()
    activate_signal( "message()" );

// SIGNAL busy
void KDecode::busy()
    activate_signal( "busy()" );

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