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missing optimization "a << (b & 63) to a << b"


For x86, shift insn will automatically mask the count to 5 bits in 32
bit mode and to 6 bits in 64 bit mode, so for the testcase below, the
buf_ << (-end & 63) could be optimized to buf_ << -end. But for trunk
compiler, some place in the testcase is not optimized.

typedef unsigned long long uint64;
typedef unsigned int uint32;

class Decoder {
 Decoder() : k_minus_1_(0), buf_(0), bits_left_(0) {}
 ~Decoder() {}

 uint32 ExtractBits(uint64 end, uint64 start);
 inline uint32 GetBits(int bits) {
   uint32 val = ExtractBits(bits, 0);
   buf_ >>= bits;
   bits_left_ -= bits;
   return val;

 uint32 Get(uint32 bits);

 uint32 k_minus_1_;
 uint64 buf_;
 unsigned long bits_left_;

uint32 Decoder::ExtractBits(uint64 end, uint64 start) {
 return (buf_ << (-end & 63)) >> ((start - end) & 63);

uint32 Decoder::Get(uint32 bits) {
 bits += k_minus_1_;
 uint32 msbit = (bits > (k_minus_1_ + 1));
 return GetBits(bits - msbit) | (msbit << (bits - 1));

The assembly generated by "g++ -O2 -S 1.C"

        .file   "1.c"
        .align 2
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl  _ZN7Decoder11ExtractBitsEyy
        .type   _ZN7Decoder11ExtractBitsEyy, @function
        movq    8(%rdi), %rax
        movl    %esi, %ecx
        negl    %ecx
        salq    %cl, %rax                   ===> Here (-end & 63) is
optimized away.
        movl    %edx, %ecx
        subl    %esi, %ecx
        shrq    %cl, %rax
        .size   _ZN7Decoder11ExtractBitsEyy, .-_ZN7Decoder11ExtractBitsEyy
        .align 2
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl  _ZN7Decoder3GetEj
        .type   _ZN7Decoder3GetEj, @function
        movl    (%rdi), %eax
        movq    8(%rdi), %r8
        addl    %eax, %esi
        addl    $1, %eax
        movq    %r8, %r10
        cmpl    %esi, %eax
        movl    %esi, %ecx
        setb    %al
        movzbl  %al, %eax
        subl    %eax, %ecx
        movl    %ecx, %edx
        shrq    %cl, %r10
        movslq  %ecx, %r9
        negl    %edx
        movq    %r10, 8(%rdi)
        subq    %r9, 16(%rdi)
        andl    $63, %edx           ==> Inst A:  the (-end & 63) is
not optimized away.
        movq    %r8, %rdi
        movl    %edx, %ecx
        salq    %cl, %rdi             ==> Inst B: use the result of
(-end & 63) here
        shrq    %cl, %rdi             ==> Inst C: use the result of
(-end & 63) here
        leal    -1(%rsi), %ecx
        sall    %cl, %eax
        orl     %edi, %eax

In Decoder::Get(), (-end & 63) in Inst A is not optimized away because
the two (-end & 63) exprs are csed after ExtractBits() is inlined to
GetBits() then to Get(), then it is a single def feeding to multiple
down uses, which cannot be optimized by combine phase. This is an old
problem in combine. It is also the reason why (-end & 63) is optimized
away in _ZN7Decoder11ExtractBitsEyy.

To overcome the weakness of combine phase for this testcase, I am
wondering whether we can extend fwprop to solve the problem because
fwprop handle those "single def to multiple down uses" cases. Existing
fwprop is restrictive since it only tries to propagate when the src of
def insn is a reg, subreg or const, and it only tries to propagate
when simplification after propagate can collapse the expr to a const.
Can we extend it to try propagate more complex exprs from def to use
(here propagate the andl operation from Inst A to the shift operands
in Inst B and Inst C), and let try_fwprop_subst in fwprop.c to decide
whether to keep the change by comparing the costs?

Or better way to solve the problem? Appreciated a lot!


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