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Re: Cheatsheet for building gcc

Richard Kenner wrote:
Q2) How to bootstrap the compiler, but not build any time consuming
    libraries (libjava, libstdc++)?
A2) "make stage{2,3,feedback}-bubble"

Can you say what the differences between these three are? Which is the equivalent of the old "cd gcc; make bootstrap"?

They will stop respectively at stage2 (equivalent of old "cd gcc; make bootstrap2"), stage3 (old "cd gcc; make bootstrap"), stagefeedback (equivalent of old "cd gcc; make profiledbootstrap).

Q4) How to compile all the libraries (libjava, ...) using the stage1
A4) Configure with --enable-stage1-languages=all

... and then do what, "make bootstrap"?

"make stage1-bubble all-target".

I think I have now enough info to make The Page That Should Have Been Created A Year Ago.


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