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Re: RFD: language hooks in GIMPLE / lang_flag?

> FWIW, I agree.  However, I do not agree that two types are compatible
> iff they would produce identical RTL.  GIMPLE should still know that
> "int" and "long" are distinct types (even if both 32 bits) since that
> permits alias analysis to do a better job.

Sure, but that's not what we currently use the compatible types hook for.
What you're essentially saying is that (int *) and (long *) are different
types, and that's correct.  But if we have a cast from "int" to "long"
or vice versa, that cast is not accomplishing anything and *could* be

> Similarly, "struct S { int
> i; }" and "struct T {int j; }" are not the same type.

Likewise.  (struct T *) and (struct S *) aren't the same, but a
VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR from struct T to struct S isn't accomplishing anything
and can also be deleted.

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