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Re: Feature request: Globalize symbol

Fredrik Hugosson wrote:
My proposal is the following new options:

It is unlikely someone will volunteer to implement a feature that only you need.

Globalizing a symbol in a shared library is potentially unsafe, and that may resulting in linker conflicts, or it may result in a shared library variable being overriden by a variable in another module causing silent changes in behaviour.

Another way to attack this problem would be to add accessor functions to the shared libraries. Presumably you only need to be able to read/write the variables, so an accessor function would solve this problem without compiler changes. So if you have a variable
static int slib_var;
Add functions
int __unittest_read_slib_var (void) { return slib_var;}
void __unittest_set_slib_var (int value) { slib_var = value; }
to the shared library when you compile it.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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