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Re: Suggestions for improving gcc 3.2 compilation speed?

I have a small idea, once upon a time people were using kilo lines per second as a measurement of compiler speed, and on a 68030 you could hit well above 10klps optimized code.

Perhaps we could report this metric ? I know it has a lot of fallancies when it compares to comparing different sources, however it's a metric which is easy to interpret for a specific program ( being compiled ), and a high relevance for the end user.

Also it would point out relative slowdowns if used on a gcc+libs build and then one could target problem areas to increase build speed in two way's, one inprove handling of that code, two rewrite to circumvent.

Any thought's ?

/ Lars.

Biagio Lucini wrote:
Could you give me an example of a fast compiler? My only term of
comparison is the Intel one, and with it it takes ages to compile the most
trivial program.


On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Lars Segerlund wrote:

 I like gcc, however I think this pinpoints the problem of using it for
real software developement, it's painfully slow and getting slower all
the time. When I get some time I will also look if I can give some help
in making it faster, however this is a problem since people are starting
to abandon gcc, ( for everything exept trivial stuff ).

 Gcc would need a 50 % speedup in this case to be deemed usefull, and I
believe a speedup of 100%-200% would be necessary in order to put it on
par with most other compilers.

 I just want to point out this in retrospect of the previous discussion
about compilation speed as a real issue, not to restart the debate.

/ Lars Segerlund.

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