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Re: build status page problem

>>>>> Janis Johnson writes:

Janis> The assumption is that everything on the GCC 3.0 build status page
Janis> builds with all releases of 3.0.x unless it says otherwise.  So far
Janis> there's only one note otherwise, for s390-linux-gnu which is supported
Janis> beginning with 3.0.1.

Janis> I'd prefer to keep that assumption.  If there's a regression that
Janis> prevents a target from building with a particular release we can add a
Janis> note to that effect for that target.

	The problem is that we cannot tell from the page what reports we
actually have received.  If we have a report that some target worked with
3.0.1 but no report for 3.0.2, we cannot tell if it works and it may
discourage someone from testing that new release and reporting the result.


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