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Re: committed: Ada updates

    Yeah, I was just browsing through that.  OK, so then it should only be a
    matter of not calling expand_* and generate the equivalent GENERIC nodes
    instead.  Longer term, the Ada parser could generate GENERIC nodes
    directly, but native parse trees may have other uses, so I wouldn't
    recommend that.

Let me rephrase what I just said: the substantive part of the Ada
front end generating tree nodes is structural and those are the areas I
intend to work on next using these nodes as a testbed.  Those problems will
be the same for function-at-a-time and tree-ssa.

Once they are resolved, the remaining work is reworking the code from
generating the current temporary nodes into the proper GENERIC nodes.
Unless I'm misunderstanding things (and *please* correct me if I am), the
semantic level of the GENERIC nodes is identical to that of the temporary
nodes I'm currently emitting, so it should just be a matter of relatively
minor changes.

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