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Funny way of using templates

I was shown a piece software developed with gcc 2.95.2. The source code
something, which looks rather suspicious to me. Now, I would like to have
a more knowledgeable opinion.

The developer has aimed at creating a singleton class template which
automatically creates a static instance of the class derived from the
template. The simplified source code is below.

#include <iostream>

template<class T> class SingletonT
   virtual void foo() {}
   SingletonT() {;
   static T singleton;
template<class T> T SingletonT<T>::singleton;

class MySingleton: public SingletonT<MySingleton>
	 cout << "Instantiating MySingleton" << endl;


The code works with gcc 2.95.2 on Solaris 2.5 (Sparc) 
Still, two things seem kind of funny to me:

1) The derived class inherits a template of which template parameter is
the derived class itself. This creates a circular dependency
between the template base class and the derived class.

2) In order to have the template class instantiated, and the static member
initialized, there is a dummy function 'foo', which is called from the 
template's constructor. This seems to cause the instantatiation of the 
template class. If the call to 'foo' is removed, the template class will 
not be instantiated.

Now I would like to know:

1)Is this something which is supposed to work according to the standard?
2)Is this likely to work also with future versions of gcc?



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