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Re: File which compiles fine under G77 (and ifort) fails under gfortran

On Mar 23 2011, Tim Prince wrote:

Needless to say, it's not Fortran 77, although there is some f77 mixed in. The very first Fortran 77 compiler we tried, in 1978, refused all manner of extended f66. Are you serious, was someone still writing 1970 IBM-dependent style code in 2002?

It's not IBM-dependent - most late Fortran IV compilers would accept it. While a few people were writing Fortran IV in 2002, they got damn little sympathy from Fortran experts. I believe that gfortran still has a wish list option to have a Fortran IV mode, but it is probably heading down the priority list rather than up! I hope so, anyway.

I and a few other people have courses on how to convert such code, but no
compiler that I know of still supports it (reliably), though lots still
have -f66 or -66 options that really mean Fortran IV :-)

Even 20 years ago, a Fortran IV to Fortran 95 converter would have been
useful, but I don't see any serious demand today.

Regards, Nick Maclaren.

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