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PRIVATE symbol in PUBLIC namelist

Hi all,
I just came across some strange behaviour of gfortran. Please consider
the following simple module:

module mo

implicit none
real,private:: a,b,c


 subroutine sub
   implicit none
   namelist /nl1/ a,b,c


   subroutine subsub
     implicit none
     namelist /nl2/ a,b,c
   end subroutine subsub

end subroutine sub

end module mo

When compiling this with gfortran I get the following error:

     namelist /nl2/ a,b,c
Error: PRIVATE symbol 'a' cannot be member of PUBLIC namelist at (1)

Apparently namelist nl1 is fine while nl2 is forbidden. I just don't
see why. It doesn't matter if sub is declared private or public. I
tried gfortran version 4.1, 4.2 and a recent trunk build. All give the
same error.
Can anyone tell me if this should be considered a bug or if there is
any reason for this behaviour (or a way to resolve it)?

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