GREPS-2007: International Workshop on GCC for Research in Embedded and Parallel Systems was organized in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) in Brasov, Romania, on September 16, 2007.
Papers and presentations
Keynote: GCC in Software Performance Research: Just Plug In Paul H J Kelly: Imperial College, London.
What you can do with Structure in Compiler Olga Golovanevsky: IBM Haifa Labs.
Interprocedural Analysis of Aggregates, (paper) Martin Jambor: Charles University Prague.
Incremental Machine Descriptions for GCC Sameera Deshpande and Uday P. Khekdker: IIT Bombay
Split Compilation: an Application to Just-in-Time Vectorization, (paper) Piotr Lesnicki, Albert Cohen, Grigori Fursin, Marco Cornero, Andrea Ornstein, and Erven Rohou: INRIA Futurs and LRI, Paris-Sud 11 University, ST Microelectronics
An Approach for Data Propagation from Tree SSA to RTL, (paper) Dmitry Melnik, Sergey Gaissaryan, Alexander Monakov, and Dmitry Zhurikhin: ISP RAS
Graphite: Towards a Declarative Polyhedral Representation (paper) Sebastian Pop: CRI - ENSMP
Keynote: GCC for Embedded VLIW Processors: Why Not? Benoit Dupont de Dinechin: ST Microelectronics, Grenoble, France
Improving a Selective Scheduling Approach for GCC Andrey Belevantsev, Dmitry Melnik, and Arutyun Avetisyan: Institute for System Programming of RAS
Register Allocation Techniques for iVMX Architecture Mircea Namolaru: IBM Labs, Haifa
Augmented GPROF Tool for Runtime Profiling/Tracing of Multithreaded Applications and OS Activity, (paper) Sandro Bartolini and Antonio C. Prete: Universita di Siena and Universita di Pisa
Gcov on an Embedded System, (paper) Holger Blasum, Frank Gorgen, and Jurgen Urban: SYSGO AG, Klein-Winternheim, Germany
Rational for GCC's Link Time Optimization Implementation Kenneth Zadeck: NaturalBridge, Inc.