This page is now obsolete, as GCC 4.1 has branched for release
All projects still waiting should be moved to GCC_4.2_Projects.
This page lists the projects that were submitted prior to the start of the GCC 4.1 release cycle. For information about what the numbers in parentheses mean, see this message.
Feel free to add to these lists, using the same format that has been used for these items. After you have added your new item, please send mail to Mark Mitchell and to the GCC mailing list with the URL of your new project page. Please don't add a scheduling number; leave that to Mark.
- Items 2.1 (1.3) Other items (2)
Early_SSA_Form (4.2)
Compile-Time Performance
Mapped_Locations (2)
Language Support
Decimal_Floating-Point (2, or 4.2)
Cleanups and Infrastructure
Already checked in
New_C_Parser (1.1) (2005-02-25)
LibAda_GNATTools_Branch (2) ("part 1" checked in) (2005-02-28)
Code_Sinking (1.1) (2005-03-01)
Improved_PHI-OPT (1.1) (2005-03-06)
Structure_Aliasing_Part_I (1.1) (2005-03-12)
- Item 1.3 (1.1) (2005-03-15) Item 1.1 (1.1) (2005-03-29) Item 1.2 (1.1) (2005-03-31)
Hot_and_Cold_Partitioning (1.2) (2005-03-31)
SMS_Improvements (1.1) (2005-04-03)
Integrated_Immediate_Uses (1.3) (2005-04-05)
Tree_Optimizer_Cleanups (1.3) (2005-04-09)
Variable-argument_Optimization (1.2) (2005-04-09)
- Item 1.4 (1.3) (2005-04-11) Item 2.3 (1.3) (2005-04-11)
Redesign_VEC_API (1.3) (2005-04-21)
IPA_Infrastructure (1.2) (2005-04-22)
Altivec Rewrite (2) (2005-05-02)
Warning_Message_Control (2) (2005-05-03)
New_SSA_Operand_Cache_Implementation (2) (2005-05-03)
Structure_Aliasing_Part_II (2005-06-08)
Safe_Builtins (2) (2005-06-27)
- Port of IBM Pro Police Stack Detector (2005-06-27)
New_DECL_hierarchy (2005-07-08)
Compilation_Level_Analysis_of_Types_and_Static_Variables (2005-07-16)
Interprocedural_Constant_Propagation,_Function_Versioning (2005-08-01)
CFG_Transparent_Inlining,_Profile-Guided_Inlining (incrementally merged)
Profiling_on_Trees,_gcov_on_Trees (incrementally merged)
Pre-Inline_Optimizations (committed 2005-06-28, together with two-phase inlining)