[ PATCH ] C++20 <span>

Jonathan Wakely jwakely@redhat.com
Thu Sep 5 13:52:00 GMT 2019

On 05/09/19 12:27 +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
>On 04/09/19 18:47 -0400, JeanHeyd Meneide wrote:
>>    Thank you for the thorough review!
>>On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 9:31 AM Jonathan Wakely <jwakely@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>It looks like__adl_begin and __adl_end should be guarded by #ifdef
>>>_GLIBCXX_P1394 because they're not needed otherwise.
>>    I'm absolutely going to need it for the bit data structures (and
>>in tuning up other parts of the library). It will also be important
>>for things that need to behave nicely when working with things needing
>>[range.access] internally in libstdc++,
>>while we wait for the cmcstl2 implementation. I did gate
>>__adl_to_address behind p1394, though, because that is definitely
>>specific to that paper (and its friend, p1474).
>OK, then it's fine as is, thanks.
>>+/** @file span
>>+ *  This is a Standard C++ Library header.
>>+ */
>>+// P0122 span library
>>+// Contributed by ThePhD
>>+#ifndef _GLIBCXX_SPAN
>>+#define _GLIBCXX_SPAN 1
>>+#pragma GCC system_header
>>+#if __cplusplus > 201703L
>>+#include <cstddef>
>This header isn't needed. <bits/c++config.h> defines std::size_t and
>std::ptrdiff_t, and every libstdc++ header should include
><bits/c++config.h> already. Not including <cstddef> is a minor
>optimisation for compile time, because we don't need to open <cstddef>
>and <stddef.h>.
>>+    template<typename _Tp, size_t _Num>
>>+      inline constexpr bool
>>+      __is_std_array_v<_GLIBCXX_STD_C::array<_Tp, _Num>> = true;
>>+#ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
>>+    template<typename _Tp, size_t _Num>
>>+      inline constexpr bool
>>+      __is_std_array_v<std::__debug::array<_Tp, _Num>> = true;
>>+#endif // debug/array
>>+    template<size_t _Extent>
>>+      class __extent_storage
>>+      {
>>+      public:
>>+        constexpr
>>+        __extent_storage() noexcept = default;
>Something else I forgot to mention (which I'll add to the coding
>conventions documentation) is that we use TABs for indentation at the
>start of lines. Tabstop should be set to 8, so anything indented by 8
>chars or more should use TABs. Anything indented by fewer than 8 chars
>just uses spaces.
>>+        constexpr
>>+        __extent_storage(size_t) noexcept
>>+        {}
>>+        static constexpr size_t
>>+        _M_extent() noexcept
>>+        { return _Extent; }
>>+      };
>>+    template<>
>>+      class __extent_storage<static_cast<size_t>(-1)>
>>+      {
>>+      public:
>>+        constexpr
>>+        __extent_storage() noexcept : _M_extent_value(0){};
>>+        constexpr
>>+        __extent_storage(size_t __extent) noexcept
>>+        : _M_extent_value(__extent)
>>+        {}
>>+        constexpr size_t
>>+        _M_extent() const noexcept
>>+        { return this->_M_extent_value; }
>>+      private:
>>+        size_t _M_extent_value;
>>+      };
>>+  } // namespace __detail
>>+  template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent = dynamic_extent>
>>+    class span : private __detail::__extent_storage<_Extent>
>>+    {
>>+    public:
>>+      // member types
>>+      using value_type             = remove_cv_t<_Type>;
>>+      using element_type           = _Type;
>>+      using index_type             = size_t;
>>+      using reference              = element_type&;
>>+      using const_reference        = const element_type&;
>>+      using pointer                = _Type*;
>>+      using const_pointer          = const _Type*;
>>+      using iterator               = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<pointer, span>;
>>+      using const_iterator         = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const_pointer, span>;
>>+      using reverse_iterator       = ::std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
>>+      using const_reverse_iterator = ::std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
>>+      using difference_type        = ptrdiff_t;
>>+      // Official wording has no size_type -- why??
>>+      // using size_type = size_t;
>>+      // member constants
>>+      static inline constexpr size_t extent = _Extent;
>>+    private:
>>+      using __base_t = __detail::__extent_storage<extent>;
>>+    public:
>>+      // constructors
>>+      template <typename _Dummy = _Type, enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Dummy, _Type> && (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _Extent == 0)>* = nullptr>
>This line is too long, it needs to be split before 80 columns.
>>+        constexpr span() noexcept : __base_t(0), _M_ptr(nullptr)
>>+        {}
>>+      constexpr
>>+      span(const span&) noexcept = default;
>>+      template<size_t _ArrayExtent,
>>+        enable_if_t<
>>+          (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _ArrayExtent == _Extent) &&
>N.B. line breaks should come before logical operators like && e.g.
>     foo
>     && bar
>     foo &&
>     bar
>The rationale for this is to make it easy to see the operator. You can
>look at the start of  the line (at a predictable, easily findable
>position) instead of having to look at the right hand side to see if
>it's a && or || operator.
>>+      template<typename _Container,
>>+        enable_if_t<
>>+          (_Extent == dynamic_extent) &&
>>+          !is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>, span> &&
>>+          !__detail::__is_std_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>> &&
>>+          !is_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>> &&
>Here's a good example where the && operators are all at different
>columns, but if you put line breaks before the operator it looks like:
>         (_Extent == dynamic_extent)
>         && !is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>, span>
>         && !__detail::__is_std_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>>
>         && !is_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>>
>         && ...
>This is easier to see that it's a series of AND conditions with a
>quick glance.
>As discussed on IRC the new XFAIL tests need some adjustment. The
>attached patch changes the whitespace as discussed above, and fixes
>the tests.
>Our convention for XFAIL tests is to call them foo_neg.cc (not
>fail.foo.cc like libc++ uses).
>The attached patch is what I've tested and committed to trunk - thanks
>very much!
>I'll make some additional fixes (e.g. LWG 3103) and update the docs
>later today.

Here's the follow-up patch.

Tested x86_64-linux, committed to trunk.

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