[PATCH] Decorate string_view members with nonnull attribute

Martin Sebor msebor@gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 16:46:00 GMT 2018

On 06/13/2018 10:30 AM, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> The C++ committee has confirmed that passing a null pointer to the
> unary basic_string_view constructor is undefined. This removes the check
> from our implementation, and adds the nonnull attribute to warn when the
> compiler can detect undefined input.
> Any objections to this change?

I have a general question about using the new C++ attributes in
libstdc++ (standard or otherwise): what does C++ have to say about
programs that define macros with the same names?  E.g., is this
a valid program?

   #define nonnull "..."
   #include <string_view>

How about:

   #define noreturn "..."
   #include <string_view>

The view in WG14 is that the corresponding C programs (if C2X
were to adopt the proposed C++ attributes) would be valid and
that it's up to implementations to make it work.


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