[v3] Remove algos code duplication

Marc Glisse marc.glisse@inria.fr
Sun Mar 25 21:22:00 GMT 2012

On Sun, 25 Mar 2012, François Dumont wrote:

>    Here is a patch proposal to remove the duplication of the implementation 
> details of many algos thanks to usage of lambdas in C++ 11 mode. This is what 
> has been experimented in libstdcxx_so_7 branch but abandonned, lambdas are 
> the real answer to this problem.


two things, from an external observer (so you can ignore):

- is there anything wrong with std::less?

- if C++11 features allow to simplify libstdc++ internally, they could be 
used unconditionally (so you can really remove code), there is a mechanism 
in place to allow specific C++11 features inside the library, and I don't 
think adding one more would be too hard. Now the maintainers might have a 
more conservative policy ;-)

Marc Glisse

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