branch creation

Ian Lance Taylor
Tue Jan 11 21:36:00 GMT 2011

François Dumont <> writes:

>     I would like to create a branch to work on the libstdc++ design
> modifications proposed some months ago to implement the algos debug
> mode. To summarize I would like to implement algo debug the same way
> as the container debug mode is implemented. The advantage will be a
> better control of the debug algos, we will avoid usage of debug algo
> in debug containers or other debug algos, and also a better
> seggregation between normal and debug code.
>     This modification will impact library ABI so challenge this idear
> in a branch first. Is there a doc explaining the branch creation
> process ? Should I ask the permission somewhere ? Are we suppose to
> synchronize branch with trunk regularly ?

Creating and managing a branch is documented on these pages: (brief note at the bottom)


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