[PATCH][libstdc++-v3 parallel mode] Tackle further XXX todos

Johannes Singler singler@ira.uka.de
Tue Sep 29 09:18:00 GMT 2009

Benjamin Kosnik wrote:
>> // XXX atomics interface?
>> Very good idea, but how do I bring it in?  Already
>> #include <cstdatomic>
>> or
>> #include <stdatomic.h>
>> make the compilation fail.  Is there any way to get access to the
>> functions without enabling the C++0x mode?  
> You'd have to use C++0x and the -std=gnu++0x compile flag to get this
> to work, and the lack of this is what I'm assuming is the cause of your
> compilation fail.
> How would you bridge parallel/compatability.h constructs to
> C++0x cstdatomic?

"bridge" means using cstdatomic only if it's available?
Otherwise, the aim would be to make compatibility.h completely obsolete,


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