UTF-8 support - char or wchar_t?

Paolo Carlini pcarlini@suse.de
Mon Jun 21 17:38:00 GMT 2004

Ole Laursen wrote:

>> The standard way is using an *internal* wchar_t representation
>> (basically, on GNU systems is UCS4, see the glibc docs), then
>> exploiting the specialization codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>.
> So how do you do that?

Ok, I have a practical suggestion for you: why don't you have a look
to our testsuite? gcc3.4.0 is shipped with a rich testsuite exercising
of course the functionalities that you need: just take inspiration
from those snippet. In particular, I suggest those in the dir:


Please, try to work out something yourself. In case, we can then help
you if something unexpected happens.


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