Mainline bootstrap failure linking .libs/ on sparcv9-sun-solaris2.9

Phil Edwards
Wed Aug 7 17:44:00 GMT 2002

On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 07:27:30PM -0500, Brad Lucier wrote:
> > Looks like cxa_demangle.c and dyn-string.c are not being compiled with -fPIC.
> > I believe this bug was just recently fixed on mainline in the past several
> > hours.
> Yes, thanks.  I did update after the fix was included, but it seems that it
> takes some time for check-ins to propagate to

I think that subversions updates once a day, or at least it used to.


I would therefore like to posit that computing's central challenge, viz. "How
not to make a mess of it," has /not/ been met.
                                                  - Edsger Djkstra, 1930-2002

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