C++ debugging progress

Jason Merrill jason@redhat.com
Wed Nov 21 04:23:00 GMT 2001

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Jacobowitz <drow@mvista.com> writes:

> I'll not be posting the patches for another day or two.  The way I do it now
> is grossly inefficient; I look through RTTI at every lookup instead of once
> per type.  It also depends on presence of RTTI.  There's not much I can do
> about that - or rather, I could, but AFAICT it would require walking the
> inheritance graph in the proper order and I don't have the machinery to do
> that easily.  I'm not heartbroken that we need RTTI for debugging though.

So you're using the inheritance information in the RTTI rather than the debug
info?  That seems unfortunate.  I'm not sure why you would need to worry
about ordering; the debug info should tell you exactly where things are.
If it doesn't, it should probably be fixed.


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