templated cmath function instantiation

Kurt Garloff garloff@suse.de
Mon Jun 25 13:46:00 GMT 2001

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 08:49:17PM +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> Phil Edwards <pedwards@disaster.jaj.com> writes:
> | (Actually, we ought to be making a run of the entire testsuite with
> | -fno-implicit-templates turned on; that would've caught this earlier.)
> Frankly, I don't like end-user use of that flag with the library and I
> would not recommand its popularization ; this is just yet another
> case where lack of 'export' support sucks :-(

Well, if you want to provide somewhat larger C++ libraries, you need to be
able to control which templates are intantiated and are part of which of
your libraries. Explicit instantiation with -fno-implicit-templates is a
working way to do so. 
(The deprecated -fexternal-templates being another one. I'll oppose to
anyone who would want to eliminate this pragma based mechanism before there
is a completely working -frepo.)

Thanks for addressing the issue!

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