Builtins that don't work

Gabriel Dos Reis gdr@codesourcery.com
Mon Jul 23 10:28:00 GMT 2001

Mark Mitchell <mark@codesourcery.com> writes:

| PR 3474 is about a problem with __builtin_sqrtf on Solaris.

A patch for that problem was applied sometime ago.  But I failed to
fix it for the long double versions.  Patch coming soon.

| What should we do?

Recognize __builtin_xxx on all plateforms and fall back to "library
call" if a specific target don't have a builtins -- that beahviour is
consistent with current behaviour on some plateforms.

|  The easy thing is to just autoconf V3 to define
| sqrtf in terms of sqrt if there is no sqrtf available; that's analagous
| to what we already to for `tan', for example.

V3 is already configured to provide sqrtf in terms of sqrt if no sqrtf
is available.

-- Gaby

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