
Gabriel Dos Reis Gabriel.Dos-Reis@cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Mon Jul 16 04:54:00 GMT 2001

Colin Fox <cfox@crystalcherry.com> writes:

| Hey there.
| gcc has a great warning option: -Weffc++, which would be really nice to
| be able to use.
| Unfortunately, when compiling with the standard libraries, we get a ton
| of warnings.
| Are you guys interested in getting rid of these warnings? According to
| the Effective C++ book, a number of them could signify actual problems
| (at least as far as I understand).


Thanks for the feedback.

The Standard library was not designed to blindly follow what is
considered "good style" in one book or another -- actually the
standard library isn't an example of a good "Object Oriented" library
(if those last words have some meanings).

The warnings you're getting are bugs in the compiler in the sense that
we should not warn in system headers if not asked.


-- Gaby

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