[PATCH] Basic_string::_M_replace clean up

Paolo Carlini pcarlini@unitus.it
Sat Dec 8 16:43:00 GMT 2001

Well, on second thought, I'm still convinced that my original patch is not that
bad ;-)...

Reading the code I don't see where in practice a version of _M_replace for
input_iterators is different from one for forward_iterators when you have to
account for those overlapping ranges!

Would'nt be cleaner, after all, to remove the current version for input_iterators
and keep the current one for forward_iterators, changing of course his signature
to input_iterator_tag, in order for it to be correctly instantiated in those cases
which you pointed out in your reply (still missing from the testsuite) ??

Consider that the *current* version of _M_replace(forward_iterator_tag) has a
*temporary* in it!

Thanks again for your attention,

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